Feature requests and fixes:

  1. Hide project year on resume.
    I received a lot of requests over the past weeks for an option to hide the year of any project listed on the resume. To do so, go to Log in to your Mixform account, click on Account Settings, and Portfolio Settings. Check the box at bottom that says "Hide Project Year On Resume".

  2. Agency contact info on contact page.
    Enter agency or representation information in your resume, and it will also show on your contact page!

  3. Account look up
    Forgot your portfolio address and can't login to your account? You can now look it up at http://mixform.com/find

  4. Navigation Bug
    The navigation was collapsing in some of the skins if you had all your of your tabs showing on your site. Fixed!

  5. Truncated Text Glitch
    I changed the way snippets of text were being selected from your projects, articles, etc, and then shown on the homepage or resume. You know, the "read more..." or "read full article..." parts. Some of the text was being cut off. Fixed!

  6. Artist Spotlight
    I created a new section on  the Mixform website: Artist Spotlight. We'll be featuring artists that  use Mixform every month. Just a small way of saying THANK YOU! to all the awesome artists using the site.

Still working on:

  1. PayPal button integration
    Don't worry. It's coming. I can't wait to add it to my own portfolio :)

  2. More Twitter! More Facebook!
    Live feeds are coming soon.

  3. Audio Samples
    The new audio samples page is almost ready.

  4. Auto save blog posts
    I lost a couple of articles last week myself. This is something that is driving me nuts. Will be fixing this problem very soon.

Suggestions? Send  feedback to support@mixform.com